Vilson Castilho

Latest blog posts:

April 15, 2021

#5: Why should I use "reduce"

What is the "reduce" method, what can be done with it, advantages and some practical examples.

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April 15, 2021

#4: I built an order tracking library!

I created a JavaScript/TypeScript library (lib) to track orders delivered by Correios (BR).

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March 31, 2021

#3: I built a template for the community!

I built a public Express template with TypeScript for the community, the “tsexpress”.

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September 09, 2020

#2: What is a REST/RESTful API?

An API is a set of routines, patterns and functionalities that serve to provide data and information.

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August 29, 2020

#1: Should I use TypeScript?

What is TypeScript, how to use it in your projects and what are the main advantages of using it.

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